Abhishekh Bhattarai

Abhishekh Bhattarai
Abhishekh Bhattarai
Date of birth : 01-11-1999
Father Name : Mr. Lila Bhattarai
Mother Name : Mitra Kumari
Address : Permanent Add:, W.N.-3,VDC- Gorkhe,District- Ilam
Household livelihood activities: He was very active and used to go to school regularly before amputation. After amputation he has stopped going to school as he was admitted in hospital almost one year and after discharge from hospital he cannot walk without any support.
Now after fitting LT/Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis with ICRC Component, he is going to school and doing all his work independently.
His mother has left him at the age of 2 years and got married with other guy. His father is the prime and single person income earner. He is working in civil Hospital,Kathmandu as a cleaner.
Abhishek was diagnosed with Left/Hip Disarticulation secondary to cancer. Three years back a tumor was noticed on postero proximal part of Left lower limb which was immediately operated in Virat Nagar Singham Hospital,Dharan. But again the same operation had repeated due to tumor only. But the child was complaining about the pain, finally after 5 months a cancer was detected resulting in Hip Disarticulation in Kanti ChildrenHospital, Kathmandu.
First Visit:
Initially counseling was provided to Abhishek Bhattarai as he was in a depressed state. We have fitted him with left hip disarticulation prosthesis and looks good during the static alignment except length was more. He started to believe that standing. I have checked the static alignment, like socket fitting, Length of prosthesis & width of walking base. It was good socket fitting but only width of walking base was more that was due to more length which was corrected. The alignment of the prosthesis should enable the wearer to stable the stance and allow swing phase. If the alignment is not correct it will be difficult to him walk with minimum effort. Once I have satisfied with the static alignment from Prosthetist & Orthotist point of view our physiotherapist has given him balancing and weight shifting training. After two days he was able to stand inside the parallel bar with both hand support and also without any support
Next visit:
We have seen a big smile on his face and become more confident after standing without any support with prosthesis, after the achievement of the first goal, the next in the line was to walk independently with the prosthesis without any support inside the parallel bar within a week. As the client is so much co-operative he started to walk inside the parallel bar with both hand support, one hand support & no hand support with the prosthesis within two weeks by regular gait training. During these entire weeks we have also checked the dynamic alignment, , like alignment of the prosthesis & accordingly corrected.
Before Incident:
He was staying in village before amputation. He was studying at 3rd class in village school. He is closer with his father as his mother is not living with them. Abhishek was more active before amputation.
After the incident:
After amputation he was in depression and almost 1 year admitted in Kantibal Hospital, Kathmandu. During this his father has sold all his land for giving him better treatment.
The socio economic condition of his family is poor and cannot manage his school fees also. His father is the only person who is earning member. His father is working in civil hospital as a cleaner so managing his only the auto fare of his school.
He was in depression after amputation surgery and almost 1 year admitted in Kantibal Hospital, Kathmandu. His father was taking care of all his ADL activity for Example: Toileting, Brussing, Dressing etc.He was thinking now impossible to walk. So the major focus was to make him walk and to bring his confidence back. We have fitted him Left hip Disarticulation Prosthesis with mixed component like ICRC and Local hip joint.After fitting the prosthesis when he takes the first stance and given proper counselling felt better.He was started to believe that he can stand and walk without any support.Ater several weeks of gait training he started to walk and got confidence back.He has also started to go to school.He is now doing all the actvity independent.He is very happy and wants to become Doctor,so that he can help the person with disabilities.