Ojashwita Maskey

Ojashwita Maskey
Ms. Ojashwita Maskey is the daughter of Mr. Dheeraj Maskey and Mrs. Deepti Maskey, She is three years old baby inhabitant of Maitidevi, Kathmandu. She is disabled by birth because of pre-mature birth, delayed birth cry and mother’s gestational hypertension. She has physical disability and fully assisted by her mother. Her mother has to devote her full time to assist her daughter. She has been visiting NDF physiotherapy center for rehabilitation care since last six months. She can’t speak except few words like ‘ma’, ‘ba’ and ‘au’. As her mother’s expectation, the targeted goal is to achieve the normal development of the child at present. After that only other goals will be hoped.
The child’s problem was initiated at the time of birth. This might have caused a negative impact in the brain (hypoxia) sideways which have been looked upon and corrected by the physiotherapy treatment. The other problem in the line is less use of left upper limb followed by sitting independently. As per the expectation of child’s mother, the smart goals were planned: ‘to roll side ways, use of left upper limb, sitting balance’.
The child was very dull and inactive. She wasn’t able to do anything on her own. Her normal development process was also delayed. Her treatment was started according to smart goals. The focus was mainly given to make her mobile on plane surface like floor. She was able to roll only with maximum support. Her trunk rotators were weak.
Slowly and gradually she became active. The exercises for strengthening the left upper limb muscles were initiated and reaching, grasping activity was encouraged. After 4-5 months physiotherapy, the child can easily roll from one side to another and use left upper limb. Now she is able to hold the partially filled milk bottle and drink on her own.
Her pelvic control is much better as compared to first day and abdominal muscles are strong enough. With very minimal support she can sit for prolonged period of time. At first, she was totally inactive and started crying when she felt hungry. Gradually she became more playful and prefer crowd. She has started watching T. V. and utters few simple words. Now she can roll with good head control and she tries to crawl too.