Stories of Sandeep Waiba

Stories of Sandeep Waiba
Case Study of Sandeep Waiba
Name: Sandeep Waiba
Address: Kalika -8, Chitwan
Age: 17 years
Diagnosis: Left AK Amputation
Subjective History
3 years back, he had an accident. He was travelling in truck and hit another truck in highway. He was taken to Bharatpur Medical collage for treatment and was admitted for 2 months. He had an open injury and couldnot save his leg, so done Left Above Knee amputation. He was bed ridden for 6 weeks and then sent to his house with axillary crutch and wheelchair. He was discharged from hospital and stay in home for complete 3 year.
Before accident he was studying in class 7 in Government school at Chitwan. He was good student and socially active. He used to take part in different social activities, plays different sports and have many friends. But that accident change his life. He feels so lonely and don’t want to expose himself to other. He leave his school and stay at home for whole day. He was totally separated from his friends. He was mentally disturbed.
2 month back, Autism care society chitwan, in coordination with Handicap International organized a camp where technical (PT and P&O) support were provided by National Disabled Fund. We have done Assessment, casting and measurement in Jutpani Hospital,Chitwan. Pre-prosthetic management was done. He was called in center for fitment of Prosthesis and Gait Training. We came back with casting and AK prosthesis was prepared.
He came to Kathmandu in 20th Dec 2021 for fitment of prosthesis. His gait training starts from 21st Dec and continue for 2 weeks. He was first user, So he feels difficulty to use prosthesis but with time he feels comfortable and walks with prosthesis without other device. He gets gait training 4 hour daily. After complete training, he is able to walk in even and uneven surfaces. He was discharged with AK Prosthesis on 5th Jan 2022.
He and his mother are satisfied with our service. After receiving Device, He can walk independently and perform ADL himself. According to him, he will continue his study and will be socially active. They are very thankful to our center for service. He is thankful to Autism care society and HI for their support.
Walk with AK prosthesis
Perform ADL himself
Socially active
Continue schooling
Date of Assessment: 29 October 2021
Assessment done by: PT Sajan Manandhar